It took a while but we did it:  AND Inc. has a brand new WordPress home.


For this site we used a prepaid template from the uber-creative guys at TemplateSold and reconfigured the Stylesheet (style.css) and the corresponding MyHome and Main Index Pages (myhome.php page.php index.php) to accommodate our design. Like with our Flash site a few years back, this reconfiguration was a good opportunity to understand by deconstruction how the world of WordPress works… also to realize how hard is to actually pay attention to code, links, scripts. Luckily Adobe Dreamweaver has all the “check your-” functions organized in a better way than Flash (this is a personal opinion) and it took care the “click-of-a-button” style of all possible major script errors.

In the end, the overwhelming desire to put everything online (and effectively stall the upload of the web pages) was conquered by reason and we settled to the look that currently entertains you. There are still content entities that slow down the upload and unresolved links. For these issues we are using one of the best places online to verify the quality of traffic for a website: WebsiteOptimization

 We will do our best to speed up this process though, since the main purpose of this site (and our day-job) is visualization content, with the focus on creation of illustration, photos and videos.

Like always, your opinions and suggestions will help our effort to make your experience here a useful and productive one – also your questions.

Welcome again!