WRITING: Flash Fiction

WRITING: Flash Fiction

My first flash-fiction story is ePublished at Lulu.com  For the ones not familiar, flash fiction generally has less than 1000 words. In this case this story is 600 words and was submitted as an entry in the November short story contest (some use the term...
NETIQUETTE: Random Acts of Niceness

NETIQUETTE: Random Acts of Niceness

This is not a planned post. It is more a reaction to a nice occurrence I feel compelled to share as it happened. For the ones suspecting people can still be anonymously generous with their time and for absolutely no gain inclined to commit random acts of niceness:...
DOWNLOADS: 30k and counting!

DOWNLOADS: 30k and counting!

In a previous post  I wrote about being approved for a Google AdSense account. A few months into the program and I can say that for us at AND Inc.,  AdSense is more about overall web relevance than actual (monthly) revenue. That is why we keep ads...
FORECASTS: the Bad the Good and the Hope

FORECASTS: the Bad the Good and the Hope

First a disclosure: It is not sour grapes that interrupted my day-job, pushing me to write this post. Nor it is April Fools. It is however an article in The Wall Street Journal titled “Top 10 dying Industries”, where I had the unpleasant surprise to find close to home...