(Image Caption: Adrian and I at Greenwich Royal Observatory – the famous GMT reference location – and the one time we were on different sides of a line.)

Blogging by the accepted understanding is one’s more or less disciplined entries in a more or less public internet journal – a web log > weblog > blog.

This one is ours – Adrian’s and mine – and it relates to our experience in architectural visualization, graphic advertisement, microstock photography, illustration, video and a myriad of other subjects we deem interesting enough to share with our readers. Ideeas are rooted in a decade long involvment with the overall computer generated visual content.

Everything written here is and has to be read as personal experience, therefore does not claim an absolute truth value. It was Socrates by the writings of Plato who said that: “The only thing I know is that I know nothing”, right? I do share this belief, however of what Adrian and I know, we are willing to share with you. It is done in the hope this knowledge will pay forward and help you as much as the ones we learned from helped us.

This being said, it is important for me to specify our blog neighborhood: the people and the writings that inspire us and that we follow; and of which intellectual generosity we profited from for a long time.

We classify them in three types:

I. The specialists: people or groups writing about what they do – and do well enough to “make it”.

II. The reporters: people who write about people who make it.

III. The vain: here think Facebook or Twitter for businesses or individuals that can write and read in more than 420 or 140 characters, respectively. Some use kinder terms for this third group such as “opinionated” – some simply call it “marketing”.

I believe our blog falls in the third type, with a strong possibility it will have glimpses of first and a strong desire to eventually enter the second type above.

If by now you are asking yourself “so?” however you haven’t left, there’s a point to this weekend rant:

From now on, at the end of each post I will enumerate under the three classifications above the knowledge resource and the sources used as inspiration–if any. This is the least we can do to give credit where credit is due… and a practical decision for our readership. If finding the writing too long or let’s say “uneventful”; one might skip from title directly to the links at the bottom for an expedited reward.

I will end with a quote one (realistic) blogger used as subtitle: “Thanks for letting me waste your time.”

On this note I hope never to accomplish, I’m ending this weekend post.

I will return with a professional subject during the work-days ahead.

Until then, be well.